I am Kenan Professor of Sociology and Adjunct Professor of Business at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Faculty Research Associate at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. I won the Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award from the American Sociological Association in 2017 and the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Distinguished Career Award from the Organizations and Occupations Section of the Asa in 2018. I have Honorary Doctoral Degrees from Mid-Sweden University and Bowling Green State University. In 2013, the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference awarded me their Lifetime Membership Award.
What attracted you to the Keller Center?
I was attracted to the Keller Center, in part, for the chance to work with Derek Lidow, whose work I greatly admire. He’s been successful in business and in his scholarship and I relish the opportunity to have more interaction with him.
How have you benefited from your involvement with the Keller Center?
I have just joined the Advisory Council and so I’m just getting started with my involvement.
What are your current career interests?
I love teaching undergraduates and mentoring the graduate students in my department as they begin their own teaching careers. I also enjoy bringing an entrepreneurial perspective to my colleagues in the Academy of Management, where scholars need constant reminding that entrepreneurship is at the heart of a vibrant economy and society.