In the United States, a student must meet stringent criteria to be eligible for in-school dyslexia testing. However, according to Made by Dyslexia, eighty percent of dyslexic students fail to meet these standards. Out-of-school dyslexia evaluations and diagnostic assessments can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000, posing a substantial financial barrier for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds who require a diagnosis for intervention. Limited dyslexia awareness within school districts nationwide leads to the misclassification of undiagnosed dyslexic students as lazy or unmotivated - labels which have a detrimental impact on students' self-esteem.
Coloring Confidence addresses the barriers to dyslexia awareness, support, and intervention by providing a low-to-zero-cost art-integration-based program for third- to fifth-grade students with dyslexia or dyslexia-like characteristics. The curriculum spans various subjects, including history, language arts, science, and mathematics. By infusing creativity and hands-on learning into academic disciplines, we engage and inspire dyslexic students, making the educational experience both enriching and accessible.
In addition to the program curriculum, Coloring Confidence provides parents with a comprehensive array of educational resources, enabling them to actively participate in their child's academic journey.