Students in the Certificate in Entrepreneurship program gathered with faculty, staff, and the campus community to share their final presentations and celebrate their achievements.
For the thirty seniors to receive their proficiency in entrepreneurship certificates, they had to deliver an overview of their individual pathways through the program. Furthermore, they needed to illustrate their entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and how they will apply those skills in their future endeavors. Although the cohort was from different fields of study, they all spoke of how the program allowed them to study entrepreneurial coursework and apply that scholarship through internships and venture-creating experiences.
Martha Yin, a senior in Operations Research and Financial Engineering, took several entrepreneurial courses and then participated in two cohorts of the Princeton Startup Immersion Program. Those experiences showed her the importance of a healthy life-work balance and how essential it is to work with a team where you can build trust and share ideas.
History concentrator Sara Miller is the co-founder and CEO of a student-run cafe, The Coffee Club. As a result, she was able to apply the knowledge she gained in Keller courses directly to her initiative. Her most significant takeaway from being a student of entrepreneurship and a student entrepreneur is the importance of "building a team of employees who understand the mission and values of your company, who feel part of the family and take ownership in your company," said Miller.
The junior class held a poster session during the reception portion of the event. Students, faculty, staff, and fellow certificate participants meandered through the 25+ posters that highlighted the students' current projects and plans for next year.
Executive Director Cornelia Huellstrunk and Assistant Director of Academic Affairs Victoria Dorman presented seniors gifts. Huellstrunk explained to the students that "this gift can act as a tangible reminder of your time here in the Keller Center and your efforts and hard work."
Keller Director Naveen Verma thanked the cohort for their tireless energy and congratulated them on their accomplishments despite the limitations and obstacles created by the pandemic, evidence that they are indeed entrepreneurs already.