The Biomedical Entrepreneurship Network held its annual Health Innovation Summit on April 7th, 2018 at RWJ University Hospital. For the first time, they included a pitch competition, where small teams were presented the opportunity to pitch their healthcare ideas to a panel of judges who will be awarding up to $10,000 in prize money.
Keller Center's eLab Accelerator 2018 team, Alira Infrared Biosensing, took home the first place prize and $8,000 with their presentation of the noninvasive glucose sensor designed to provide pain-free blood sugar measurements for people suffering from diabetes. Their novel solution utilizes a quantum cascade laser and an integrating sphere to collect scattered light from turbid media. This adaptation allows us to detect biomarkers in situations not previously thought possible.
Alira also competed in the Keller Center's 13th Annual Innovation Forum in March. The Innovation Forum showcases Princeton research that offers the potential to be commercialized.
Above Alira team member and EE graduate student, Alexandra Werth delivers the winner pitch!