A lively and exuberant crowd gathered for our Reunion Happy Hour event last Friday evening. The Princeton Entrepreneurial Hub on Chambers Street was once again spilling over with orange and black-clad members of the Princeton entrepreneurial community.
"It was beyond wonderful to walk into the Hub after such a long time and see so many smiling familiar faces, hear the mix of music and cheerful conversations, and get a sense that our community was connecting once again." said executive director Cornelia Huellstrunk.
As the University welcomed alumni back to campus after a two-year pause on in-person reunion events, we invited our alumni to kick off their reunion weekend by catching up with their friends at the Keller Center.
"We always have our doors open to alumni who want to engage with our students. Many serve as mentors or advisors or share their expertise in workshops or talks," said eLab program manager Stephanie Landers "but this event is when we can give a little back to them, a way to say once again thank you for all you do.
As the hot afternoon gave way to a passing thunderstorm, water-soaked Tigers poured through the doors to take cover, grab a bite to eat and a drink as they shared updates of their post-Princeton lives.
When young alum Ainil Norazman arrived, she made a beeline to Keller's design program manager Jessica Leung. Norazman was part of Leung's Tiger Challenge program as a first-year student, then returned as a Tiger Challenge associate in her senior year.
As they were chatting, Norazman remarked, "I found the Keller Center to be the place on campus I felt most connected to; the environment and people made me feel welcomed and valued."
As the event was winding down and goodbyes were being exchanged, Norazman was overheard saying, "Keller feels like home to me."