About the Company

Women dot NYC logo spelled in black with hot pink dot


Women.nyc—part of the New York City Economic Development Corporation— is an ambitious program created to make NYC the best place in the world for women of all backgrounds, ages, abilities, and identities to thrive in their careers and businesses.

Company Industries:
Business/Finance, Government, Social Entrepreneurship, Economic Mobility

Internship Description

Assist the women.nyc team in all aspects of the project management lifecycle, including strategic analysis, procurement and planning, partnership development, and project implementation across multiple areas such as the childcare innovation lab, women networking platforms, career support for women, etc.

The women.nyc associate intern will be an integral part of the team running and supporting programs to empower women economically and professionally. The candidate would support the team with research, and suggest possible collaborations relevant to women.nyc’s mission.

You will also help the team plan, coordinate, and execute events supporting the full range of projects as well as staff women.nyc events.